Aral Sea Camping & Yurt Camp, Aral Sea

Aral Sea Camping & Yurt Camp

Hotel Rating

The best of the best, the ultimate in luxury
Outstanding service and facilities, giving you the 5* experience
Excellent standards offering a higher-end experience
Good quality service and overall comfort
No frills, basic accommodation, but often in the most exciting of places

Our rating: Simple | Property style: Yurt Camp

Camp in the peaceful and isolated expanse near the ever-diminishing Aral Sea. Facilities are very basic as you will be staying in either a dome tent or yurt with a few shared toilets and outdoor shower cubicles, with no hot water. Following a dramatic sunset, you can stay up late to gaze at the stars for a view unspoilt by light pollution or urbanisation. The experience provides a truly wild way to take in the untamed landscapes.

Aral Sea Camping & Yurt Camp

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Simple | Yurt Camp

Aral Sea Camping & Yurt Camp, Aral Sea

Camp in the peaceful and isolated expanse near the ever-diminishing Aral Sea. Facilities are very basic as you will be staying in either a dome tent or yurt with a few shared toilets and outdoor shower…