Nat reaches the quite literal highpoint of our recce tour in Venezeula: Angel Falls, the world's highest waterfall, at 3230 feet in height.
Today I fulfilled a lifetime ambition to visit Angel Falls. Interestingly, I realised I only knew 3 people who have ever been here, and I suspect this is because it is one of the most inaccessible land marks on the planet.
Firstly, you have to fly from Cuidad Bolivar or Puerto Ordaz down to Canaima in a light aircraft (5 seater Cessna) on one of the most amazingly scenic flights imaginable. Then, you drive for 30 minutes to a landing spot to board motorised canoes. Then you travel upriver for (supposedly) 3 hours, surrounded by lush vegetation and magnificent tepuyes - enormous flat topped mountains - before racing upstream through 15 sets of rapids. Then, and only then does the world’s highest waterfall come into view. And what a view it is!
In all my travels I don't think I have ever had such an exhilarating journey. Canaima national park has to be one of the most beautiful and impressive spots on earth, and well worth the hardships to get there. Our group of 10 had a particularly arduous journey that ended up taking 5 hours, 2 changes of propeller and grounding on 3 sets of rapids, (not to mention a few drenchings) but when we arrived at our camp directly opposite the falls our collective response was "WOW!!!". This is adventure travel at its finest.
Trekking through the jungle the following morning, picking our way over tree roots and river rocks, we got an even closer view, and the opportunity to take a dip close to the base. The whole experience was one of my travel highs - and I now know 13 people who have visited Angel Falls...